Friday, September 5, 2008

Jen and Dan are married!

Two days before Jen and Dan's wedding, Kevin went to the skate park with his brother Dave. He hadn't been on a board in awhile, and just before they left the park, he hit a rock in the bowl, and slammed into the wall. Well he pulled a muscle pretty good, and was on crutches for a couple of days. Of course this was before a busy 3 wedding weekend. Our friend Nathan from Dreamtime Images wasn't busy that day, so all three of us showed up for Jen and Dan's wedding. Thank you Nathan for the help.

Anyway, we all had such a great time with Jen and Dan at the Brown Palace. They met playing an online game called World of Warcraft, and had the most unique ceremony I've ever heard. All of it rhymed in a fabulous Dr. Seuss fashion. As you'll see from the pictures these two are a very fun couple. Congratulations Jen and Dan. We wish you lived closer so we could hang out more!

Click here for a slideshow of the entire day!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Looks like an incredibly fun wedding and couple. I hope life is going well for the two of you, how much longer until that baby is due? Talk to you soon.